Turnpike Emergencies 
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Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission
682 Prospect Street
Berea, Ohio 44017-2799
(440) 234-2081
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To be the industry leader in providing safe and efficient transportation services to our customers, communities and partners.
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Commission Meetings

728th Meeting
March 17, 2025

First NoticeSecond NoticeMeeting AgendaMeeting Minutes
Minutes to be approved.

Related Resolutions

43-2025 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Licenses, Support and Maintenance of Microsoft Products Under the DAS Cooperative Purchasing Program in the Estimated Not-To-Exceed Amount of $1,400,000.00 for a Three Year Period (Chriss Pogorelc, Chief Information Officer).
42-2025 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Cameras, Installation Services and 5 Years of Milestone Care Plus Services from Northwestern Ohio Security Systems Inc. in the Total Not-To-Exceed Amount of $1,861,863.92 (Chriss Pogorelc, Chief Information Officer); and
41-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Southland Printing Company, Inc. to Furnish Fan Fold Toll Tickets in the Total Aggregate Amount of $702,360.00 (Laurie Davis, Director of Toll Operations);
40-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Any Domestic Work, Inc. Under Bid Invitation No. 4476 to Perform Janitorial Services at Commission Toll Plazas and Ohio State Highway Patrol Posts in the Aggregate Not-ToExceed Amount of $711,970.00 (Laurie Davis, Director of Toll Operations);
39-2025 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase Sixteen (16) Speed Feedback Trailers Under the U.S. General Services Administration Cooperative Purchasing Program (Bryan Emery, Maintenance Engineer);
38-2025 Resolution Authorizing a Change Order for Meltdown Apex-C Purchased from EnviroTech Services, Inc. Under the Ohio Department of Transportation Contract 124-25 in the Aggregate Amount of $985,000.00 (Bryan Emery, Maintenance Engineer);
37-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Quality Control Inspection, Inc. for General Construction Administration and Inspection Services for Project No. 59-25-06 in the Total Amount of $790,341.20 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
36-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. for General Construction Administration and Inspection Services for Project No. 59-25-05 in the Total Amount of $934,398.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
35-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of ms consultants, inc. to Perform Phase I and Phase II Services for Project No. 71-24-16 in the Not-ToExceed Amount of $652,385.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
34-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Glaus, Pyle, Schomer, Burns & Dehaven dba GPD Group to Perform Phase I and Phase II Services for Project No. 71-24-15 in the Not-To-Exceed Amount of $1,185,579.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
33-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. to Perform Phase I and Phase II Services for Project No. 71-24-13 in the Not-To-Exceed Amount of $892,108.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
32-2025 Resolution Authorizing a Modification to the Contract with Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. to Perform Phase II Services Under Project No. 43-25-03 for an Aggregate Not-to-Exceed Amount of $970,082.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
31-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Kokosing Construction Company, Inc. for Project No. 59-25-06 in the Total Amount of $8,032,112.26 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
30-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Gerken Paving, Inc. for Project No. 59-25-02 in the Total Amount of $15,489,896.76 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
29-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of The Ruhlin Company for Project No. 43-25-08 in the Total Amount of $3,933,871.24 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
28-2025 Resolution Accepting and Approving the Retirement and Reemployment of the Executive Director Ferzan M. Ahmed, P.E. and Designating Christopher A. Matta, P.E. Acting Executive Director (Jennifer Monty Rieker);

727th Meeting
February 18, 2025

First NoticeSecond NoticeMeeting AgendaMeeting Minutes

Meeting Audio

Related Resolutions

27-2025 Resolution Authorizing the Selection of Firelands Supply Company for Guardrail Terminal Parts Under Bid Invitation No. 4475 in the Total Amount of $195,000.00 (Bryan Emery, Maintenance Engineer).
26-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of ECS Midwest, LLC for Material Testing and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99-25-15 in the Notto-Exceed Amount of $750,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer); and
25-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Geo-Sci Laboratory, Inc. for Material Testing and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99-25-14 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,250,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
24-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of DLZ Ohio, Inc. for Material Testing and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99-25-13 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,500,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
23-2025 Resolution Authorizing the Selection of Professional Service Industries, Inc. for Material Testing and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99- 25-12 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,500,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
22-2025 Resolution Authorizing the Selection of TTL Engineering Services, LLC for Material Testing and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99-25-11 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $2,250,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
21-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. for General Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under Project No. 99-25-09 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $2,500,000.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
20-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of DGL Consulting Engineers, LLC for General Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under Project No. 99-25-08 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $2,000,000.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
19-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of DLZ Ohio, Inc. for Bridge Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under Project No. 99- 25-07 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,750,000.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
18-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of CTL Engineering, Inc. for Bridge Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under Project No. 99- 25-06 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,500,000.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
17-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Quality Control Services, LLC for Bridge Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under Project No. 99-25-05 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,500,000.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
16-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Glaus, Pyle, Schomer, Burns & Dehaven, Inc. to Perform Phase I and Phase II Services for Project No. 71- 24-18 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,373,577.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
15-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of HNTB Ohio, Inc. to Perform Phase I and Phase II Services for Project No. 71-24-17 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,813,851.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
14-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc. to Perform Phase I and Phase II Services for Project No. 71-24-12 in the Not-To-Exceed Amount of $518,558.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
13-2025 Resolution Rejecting the Sole Bid Received on Project No. 58-24-04 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
12-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Kokosing Construction Company, Inc. for Project No. 43-25-03 for the Total Amount of $9,338,899.78 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
11-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of The Ruhlin Company for Project No. 43-24-10 (REBID) for the Total Amount of $10,089,220.90 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);
10-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Kokosing Construction Company, Inc. for Project No. 39-25-01 for the Total Amount of $56,307,400.93 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer);

726th Meeting
January 21, 2025

First NoticeSecond NoticeMeeting AgendaMeeting Minutes

Meeting Audio

Related Resolutions

09-2025 Resolution Approving the Estimated Amount of $450,000.00 for United States Postal Service Postage Costs for Calendar Year 2025 (Lisa Zamiska, Director of Administration). 
08-2025 Resolution Approving the Second Modification to the Contract with InfoSend, Inc. to Furnish Printing and Mail House Services in the Not-ToExceed Estimated Five-Year Cost of $4,421,991.00 (Lisa Mejac, Chief Financial Officer); and  
07-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of P&T Products LLC for Joint Sealant Under Bid Invitation No. 4471 in the Total Amount of $253,165.50 (Bryan Emery, Maintenance Engineer);  
06-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Perfect Sweep, Inc. for the Furnishing of Pavement Sweeping Services Under Bid Invitation No. 4470 in the Total Estimated Amount of $160,000.00 (Bryan Emery, Maintenance Engineer)
05-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of HNTB Ohio, Inc. for Project No. 7124-11 in the lump sum amount of $374,580.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);  
04-2025 Resolution Authorizing a Modification to the Contract with ms consultants, inc. to Perform Phase II Services Under Project No. 71-22-11 for an Aggregate Not-to-Exceed Amount of $560,712.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);  
03-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of The Ruhlin Company for Project No. 43-25-05 in the Total Amount of $4,799,442.66 (Chris Matta, Chief Engineer/Deputy Executive Director);  
02-2025 Resolution Approving the Selection of Gerken Paving, Inc. for Project No. 59-25-03 in the Total Amount of $7,852,858.21 (Chris Matta, Chief Engineer/Deputy Executive Director);  
01-2025 Resolution Honoring the Distinguished Service of Carol M. Zanin (Ferzan M. Ahmed, Executive Director);