Resolution Authorizing the Selection of Firelands Supply Company for
Guardrail Terminal Parts Under Bid Invitation No. 4475 in the Total
Amount of $195,000.00 (Bryan Emery, Maintenance Engineer). |
Resolution Approving the Selection of ECS Midwest, LLC for Material
Testing and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99-25-15 in the Notto-Exceed Amount of $750,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive
Director/Chief Engineer); and |
Resolution Approving the Selection of Geo-Sci Laboratory, Inc. for
Material Testing and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99-25-14 in
the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,250,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy
Executive Director/Chief Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of DLZ Ohio, Inc. for Material Testing
and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99-25-13 in the Not-to-Exceed
Amount of $1,500,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief
Engineer); |
Resolution Authorizing the Selection of Professional Service Industries,
Inc. for Material Testing and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99-
25-12 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,500,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy
Executive Director/Chief Engineer); |
Resolution Authorizing the Selection of TTL Engineering Services, LLC
for Material Testing and Quality Control Services for Project No. 99-25-11
in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $2,250,000.00 (Chris Matta, Deputy
Executive Director/Chief Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
for General Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under
Project No. 99-25-09 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $2,500,000.00
(Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer);
Resolution Approving the Selection of DGL Consulting Engineers, LLC for
General Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under
Project No. 99-25-08 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $2,000,000.00
(Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of DLZ Ohio, Inc. for Bridge
Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under Project No. 99-
25-07 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,750,000.00 (Daniel Rodriguez,
Design and Planning Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of CTL Engineering, Inc. for Bridge
Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under Project No. 99-
25-06 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,500,000.00 (Daniel Rodriguez,
Design and Planning Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of Quality Control Services, LLC for
Bridge Construction Administration and Inspection Services Under Project
No. 99-25-05 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,500,000.00 (Daniel
Rodriguez, Design and Planning Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of Glaus, Pyle, Schomer, Burns &
Dehaven, Inc. to Perform Phase I and Phase II Services for Project No. 71-
24-18 in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,373,577.00 (Daniel Rodriguez,
Design and Planning Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of HNTB Ohio, Inc. to Perform Phase
I and Phase II Services for Project No. 71-24-17 in the Not-to-Exceed
Amount of $1,813,851.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and Planning
Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
to Perform Phase I and Phase II Services for Project No. 71-24-12 in the
Not-To-Exceed Amount of $518,558.00 (Daniel Rodriguez, Design and
Planning Engineer); |
Resolution Rejecting the Sole Bid Received on Project No. 58-24-04 (Chris
Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of Kokosing Construction Company,
Inc. for Project No. 43-25-03 for the Total Amount of $9,338,899.78 (Chris
Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of The Ruhlin Company for Project No.
43-24-10 (REBID) for the Total Amount of $10,089,220.90 (Chris Matta,
Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer); |
Resolution Approving the Selection of Kokosing Construction Company,
Inc. for Project No. 39-25-01 for the Total Amount of $56,307,400.93
(Chris Matta, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Engineer); |