Don't Veer For Deer!
The likelihood of colliding with a large animal more than doubles during the months of October, November and December, during deer mating season. Whether you hit a large animal or it jumps into the side of your vehicle, such collisions can cause significant injuries and property damage. No matter where you live, it’s important to keep your eyes up and focus on the road, helping you take action in the event a large animal is suddenly in your path.

For more information and tips to protect yourself on the road click here.
Traveling safely at Turnpike speeds is a responsibility we all share. You play an essential role in reducing motor vehicle accidents, not only in the way you drive but also by reporting unsafe conditions or impaired drivers to the Ohio State Highway Patrol.
Many of the incidents that occur could be avoided, just by taking a few simple steps. Here’s a short list of tips for your safety.
Report a Problem
Call #677 on your mobile phone to notify Turnpike authorities if you encounter an unsafe driver, road conditions or other situations that could lead to a crash on the Ohio Turnpike.
Know Before You Go
Make sure to check weather forecasts and road conditions for your trip before you leave. Be prepared for the road ahead. Click on the Alerts options to the left for all of this information and more.
Move Over Or Slow Down For Stopped Public Safety & Highway Maintenance Vehicles
It’s the law. And they’re stopped for a reason. So slow down and help keep the Ohio Turnpike safe for the people who are working for your protection and safety.
Can You See Their Mirrors?
Avoid the “No-Zone” – the blind spot on the side of a truck or other commercial vehicle where the driver can’t see you. If you can’t see their mirrors, they can’t see you.
Keep Your Vehicle Maintained
From proper air pressure to effective windshield wipers to brake pads that aren’t worn down, traveling at Turnpike speeds requires you to make sure your vehicle is safe for you to drive, as well as for the other vehicles around you.
To Your Good Health
Make sure you’re rested and in good health before you hit the road.
Buckle Up
It’s the law. Seat belts save lives. Get in the habit of always putting yours on.
Keep Your Distance
Always make sure to maintain a safe distance between your vehicle and others around you. A good driver is a defensive driver.
Know Your (Speed) Limits
Always abide by the posted speed limit. And slow down in construction zones.
No Distractions
Don’t let yourself be distracted by anything that takes your attention away from the road. Don’t try to multi-task. Stay focused on your vehicle and the traffic around you.